“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is that what are you doing for others.” I feel proud to present Acts Of Kindness Pakistan as one of the leading youth and volunteer organizations that is working Voluntarily and practicing Kindness in a real way.
The basic purpose of Acts Of Kindness Pakistan was to gather students and young professionals from diverse backgrounds under one platform with the agenda of planning, development and implementation of numerous small scale projects for the betterment of society and to uplift the marginalized segments of our society.
The AOK Pakistan’s most valuable asset is the network of volunteers and supporters across the country that we have created through our activities and effective social media campaigns. We know that bringing people together creates synergies and the result is more fruitful. AOK With 6 members initially, widened horizons of philanthropy and extended the network across the country in 30+ cities hitting an enormous number of 5000+ volunteers in just 4 years.
Volunteers are the main agents to bring change in any society. Volunteering allows you to connect to your community and gives you sense of responsibility and ownership of your society to make it a better place. No Act Of Kindness however small is ever wasted. Even helping out with the smallest tasks can make a real and positive difference to the lives of people in need.
Talking about the milestones, The Ramadan Meherban food drive had been one of the most crucial one. Team Acts Of Kindness Pakistan has successfully executed Ramadan Meherban Food and Ration Drive 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019 in which thousands people were fed and were given monthly rations.
During Covid 19 pandemic we initiated Kindness Corona Relief Program and distributed almost 4500 Ration Packs among deserving families across the country in almost 25 cities. This Project cost more than 13 millions and the important point to mention here is that it was collected from friends, families, volunteers and members through an effective social media campaign.
Keeping the spirits high and practicing kindness AOK Pakistan helped in but not limited to arranging free medical camps in rural areas, arranging blood donation camps for Thalassemia kids, sponsoring orphans education and orphans weddings, improving the learning trajectory of underprivileged students, providing Ration Packs to the deserving families, providing wheels chairs to the deserving individuals and hospitals, donating blood in emergencies and performing random acts of kindness like cleanliness drives, birthday celebrations/visits to orphanages, celebrating National Days with orphans etc.
Our aim is to promote, share and practice Kindness to solve actual problems on the ground. We engage our youth and volunteers in lively discussions and activities to arrive at possible solutions, and to take initiatives themselves and implement projects to give back to the society.
Ateeq Afridi
Acts of Kindness Pakistan